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More About My Services

Spiritual Coaching

My counseling and life coaching revolves around getting in touch with your authentic self, building resiliency, creating goals. and finding your souls purpose. The focus in on letting go of resentments, fears, and limiting beliefs. Bringing in more joy, gratitude, and peace. Gaining more clarity on your souls purpose, creating goals  The EFT technique, and The Enneagram for self discovery.

Intuitive Readings

Channeled Intuitive readings on, past lives, auras, and soul purpose.

Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a high frequency, gentle, but powerful modality assisting with deep healing by releasing stuck energy and filling up with the presence of divine love.

Karuna Reiki

Karuna means an action taken to diminish the suffering of others. Karuna Reiki assists with lessening anxiety, balancing chakras, grounding, and releasing habits.

Sekhem Energy Healing

Sekhem is an Egyptian, heart-centered healing modality assisting with self-development allowing positive change by letting go of what no longer serves.

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